When Are Bathtub Shower Screens A Better Option?

A split image shows a bathtub with an orange an white shower curtain on one side and sleek shower screens with a modern bathroom on the other. This effectively highlights the aesthetic improvement shower screens can provide.

Shower curtains have been our bathroom buddies for ages. But what if yours is becoming a bit of a drip? Maybe it’s turned into a mildew monster, giving you the stink-eye every time you hop in. Or perhaps it just loves playing catch with you during your morning ablutions. If you’re looking for a more stylish and functional solution, shower screens for bathtubs might be your new bathroom BFF.

What are the signs that your shower curtain needs to be replaced?

Here are a few hints that your shower curtain is ready for retirement:

  • Mould city: Fabric curtains, especially the kind shared houses love, are like mildew magnets. Not only is it nasty to look at, but it can mess with your allergies and health. Shower screens, made of stuff like glass, are way easier to keep clean – seriously, way easier.
  • Splashtacular disasters: Does your bathroom floor look like a water park after a shower? Curtains don’t always, well, curtain the water in. Shower screens act like a shield, keeping the water where it belongs – inside the tub, not creating a slip-and-slide zone.
  • Feeling smushed: Curtains can make your bathroom seem smaller than it actually is. Switching to a clear shower screen can make it feel more open and airy, especially if your bathroom’s on the compact side.
  • Décor disaster: Let’s face it, shower curtains can get a little, well, tired. Shower screens, especially the frameless ones, have a clean, modern look that can instantly upgrade your whole bathroom. Think of it as giving your bathroom a makeover!

What are the benefits of shower screens for bathtubs?

Shower screens for bathtubs aren’t just about looks (although they do slay in that department). They offer a bunch of perks over traditional shower curtains:

A modern bathroom featuring a white vanity with dual sinks, a large mirror, and a marble countertop. The focal point is the bathtub with a glass shower screen, equipped with a sliding door. The sleek design and clean lines highlight the benefits of shower screens for bathtubs, offering both functionality and a contemporary aesthetic.

  • These shower screens help contain splashes, but for optimal bathroom moisture control, consider installing an exhaust fan to meet bathroom ventilation requirements. This will help prevent mould and mildew growth, keeping your bathroom fresh and healthy.
  • Small bathroom? No problem! Shower screens, especially clear ones, make your bathroom feel way bigger than it actually is. No more feeling like you’re showering in a closet.
  • Shower screens are basically an instant bathroom makeover. They come in all sorts of styles, so you can create a modern, fancy look. Plus, they might even make your house worth more – score!
  • Cleaning the shower? Forget scrubbing for hours. Shower screens are made from smooth, non-porous materials like glass or acrylic. Just a quick wipe after your shower and you’re done – cleaning wins!

What are the different types of shower screens for bathtubs?

When it comes to shower screens for bathtubs, there are a couple of key choices to consider:

  • Fixed or fancy folds? Fixed panels offer a sleek, minimalist look and block water like a champ. Heads up though, these might not work so well for tiny tubs. Folding parts mean they bend one way or another, which can be a tight squeeze in a bathtub that’s already not that big. But for smaller bathrooms or tubs that could use some extra breathing room, these folding panels are perfect! They hinge at one end and fold in or out, giving you some much-needed space.
  • Framed up or frameless fab? Framed ones are the classic option, with a metal frame holding the glass in. They’re usually cheaper too. Frameless showers go for that sleek, modern look. They use thicker glass for safety, which can make your bathroom feel fancy, but they’ll definitely cost you more.

What should be considered before installing shower screens for bathtubs?

Hold up before you snag the first shower door you see! Here’s a quick checklist:

A modern bathroom interior featuring a bathtub with a half glass shower screens mounted on the tub deck. The transparent glass screen extends partially across the bathtub to create a showering area and prevent water from splashing onto the bathroom floor. The chrome-finished showerhead is mounted on the wall opposite the bathtub. Dispenser bottles are placed on a built-in caddy alongside the showerhead.

  • Tub time compatibility: Not all tubs are built the same, especially for shower doors. Make sure your tub has a ledge wide enough to hold the door securely. Plus, think about the tub’s shape and size to pick the best type of door.
  • Size it up (and style it out): Shower doors come in all shapes and funky sizes. Before you grab one, measure your bathroom space carefully so the door fits without feeling cramped. Think about the tub’s height and width, and how it all flows with the rest of your bathroom. The style should match your bathroom’s vibe – think of it like picking the perfect outfit for your shower!
  • Safety first: Make sure that fancy glass is the kind that explodes into a million safe, little pebbles if something bumps it. You know, for extra shower screen toughness in case of any clumsy moments. Proper installation is key to keeping the water where it belongs (in the shower!), and don’t forget a grippy bath mat to avoid any wipeouts during your shower dance moves.

The takeaway

So, are shower screens for bathtubs the answer to your bathroom woes? If you’re tired of battling mildew monsters, dodging waters, or simply want to give your bathroom a makeover, then the answer is a resounding yes! They’re stylish, and practical, and can make your bathroom feel like a spa retreat (minus the hefty price tag).

Level up your bathroom with Kwik Glass frameless shower screens

Now that you’re sold on the magic of shower screens, let’s talk about making the switch as smooth as, well, a freshly squeegeed shower screen! Here at Kwik Glass, we’re all about helping you create the bathroom of your dreams.

We offer a wide range of high-quality shower screens for bathtubs, from sleek frameless beauties to sturdy framed options. Speak to a Kwik Glass expert – they’ll answer all your questions and guide you towards the ideal shower screen for your space.

Plus, with Kwik Glass, you can expect a hassle-free experience. We offer professional measurement and installation services, so you can relax and enjoy your new shower screen without any DIY dramas.

So, ditch the droopy shower curtain and embrace the world of shower screens! Head over to our website to get a quote on shower screens and let’s get your bathroom sparkling (and splash-free)!